The Hotel Riviera Inka, has the necessary service to make your stay comfortable
We detail the following services:
It is free for all our guests before and after their check in / out, as well as the use of the common areas of the hotel.
View InformationThe hotel offers laundry and ironing services for an additional charge.
View InformationEnjoy a moment of tranquility with our relaxing massage services in your room.
View InformationFrom the hotel guests can receive tourist orientation, as well as different tourist guide alternatives that exist in the area.
View InformationThe restaurant located on the fourth floor overlooking the bay offers a varied menu of regional dishes prepared with the freshest local ingredients.
View InformationThe restaurant located on the fourth floor overlooking the bay offers a varied menu of regional dishes prepared with the freshest local ingredients.
The counter provides our guests tourist orientation and we sell the tickets to this tours and other many activities in Paracas.
Enjoy a moment of tranquility with our relaxing massage services in your room.
The luggage storage service is free for all our guests before and after your check in / out, as well as the use of the common areas of the hotel.
The hotel offers laundry and ironing services for an additional charge.
It has lap tops and staff for your comfortable attention.